due to ultrasound abnormalities like cleft
lip/palate, multicystic kidneys, IUGR; child
born at 38 weeks; APGAR 7/8/-; OFC 30.5cm,
length 44cm, weight 2280g (all <5.
percentile); two palpable fontanels, small
pupils, almost shaped eyes, folded right ear,
flat nasal bridge, right cleft lip, incomplete
left cleft lip, short sternum, widely spaced
nipples; testes descended, hydrocele, small
phallus, digit camptodactyly of finger 2 and 3
on right hand; clinodactyly of finger 5
bilateral; transverse palmar creases;
hydrocephalus; patent ductus arteriousus,
bilateral hydronephrosis, kidney dysplasia,
blindness, anemia, hypocalcaemia, metabolic
acidosis; significant DD, hypotonia, severe
growth retardation; child died at age of 7m
due to an infection.
mild DYS, macrocephaly, deep palmar
creases, no feeding problems, normal head,
heart and abdomen ultrasound, global DD,
hypotonia, recurrent bronchiolitis
born after a
38 weeks uncomplicated pregnancy.
Amniocentesis due to AMA was normal. At birth
weight 2,800 g (10th centile), length of 50cm
(50th centile) and head circumference = 34 cm
(15th percentile), perinatal history was
non-significant abnormal. At 2 months admitted
to hospital because of urine tract infection;
developmental milestones significantly
delayed: sat unsupported at 12 m, walked
unaided at 22 m, first words at 2.5 y. At 2 y
8 m speech and language delay. On physical
examination he was a sociable child with mild
dysmorphic facial and body features,
(microcephaly, narrow palpebral fissures,
small eyes, high-arched palate, low set ears,
short hands and fingers and clinodactyly of
the 5th finger) but severe global DD- overall
developmental level equivalent to 16 months.
neurological examination: severely hypotonic
with microcephaly H.C. = 46cm (<2nd
percentile). height 100 cm (60th centile)
weight was 18 kg (75th percentile). MRI scan
revealed a big arachnoid cyst near to cysterna
magna. At 3.5y sociable child without
behavioral difficulties; facial dysmorphic
features more evident, especially small size
of eyes, epicanthus and broad nasal bridge;
functioning at 17 months developmental level
with an IQ level less than 46. neurological
examination: global hypotonia of trunk and
limps and microcephaly HC= 47,6 cm (<2nd
centile), but without focal neurological
signs. height 107cm (75th centile), weight
20kg (90th centile); same situation at 4.75 y
and 5.6 y
min(17)(:p11.2→p11.2::p11.1→q11.1::q11.2→q11.2:)aCGH: 16.9-19.89,
22.42-23.16 and 23.84-25.67 MBseq[GRCh37]
der(17) (q11.2::p11.2-> q11.2::p11.2)chr17:g.