AMA; at
birth lenght 46 cm (-2.74 SD), weight 2240 g
(-4.4 SD), head circumference 31 cm (-3.16
SD). APGAR scores 1/8/9. High nasal root,
downslanting palpebral fissures, retrogenia,
posterior rotated, slightly low-set ears, a
long philtrum, and a thin upper vermillion
were noticed. The fingernails were small. A
sacral dimple was observed. Cerebral
ultrasound showed a missing septum
pellucidum. Major problem was feeding, most
probably due to sucking weakness and a lack
of coordination so that a feeding tube had
to be placed.
Born at term
after normal pregnancy. Birth weight 4010 g,
length 50 cm head circumference 35 cm.
Pneumonia and septicemia complicated the
neonatal period. At 4 months infantile spasm.
Encephalographic investigations showed
hypsarrhythmia. Two hypopigmented spots on the
skin, positive to Wood's light, aroused
suspicion of tuberous sclerosis. Computerized
tomography of the brain showed mild to
moderate central and cortical atrophy. On this
basis, tuberous sclerosis was excluded as a
possible diagnosis. Repeated upper respiratory
tract infections and otitis, suffered from
constipation, and severe feeding problems.
Psychomotor development severely retarded. He
sat without support first at 14 months and was
not able to walk until age 6 years and 6
months. At 12y unable to speak or to use sign
language. He is autistic, which was obvious
already before the age of 1 year. At 8 years -
height 111 cm (<-3 S.D.), weight 20 kg (-2
S.D.) and head circumference 51.5 cm. (+0
S.D.). He did not resemble the other members
of his family. He had a prominent forehead,
down slanted palpebral fissures and
hypertelorism. Strabismus was noted and he had
mild hyperopia. He had a high and broad nasal
bridge, a broad nose, a prominent philtrum, a
large mouth, prominent lips and down-turned
corners of the mouth. The palate was short and
narrow. He had micrognathia, prognathism,
low-set, dysplastic and posteriorly rotated
ears and narrow ear canals. He had mild
muscular hypotonia, hyperextensibility of
joints, pes calcaneo-valgus, brachydacyly and
single transverse palmar crease unilaterally.
Birth weight
2,370g, Apgar score 7 at 1 min; mild facial
dysmorphisms and hypotonia. At 2 months
seizures; weight 5,250 g (90th to 97th
centile), length 55 cm (25th to 50th centile),
general muscular hypotonia, malformed ears,
umbilical hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, but
neuropsychiatric evaluation, EEG, and MRI of
the brain normal; at 5 months weight 11,700 g
(>97th centile); later slight delay in
psychomotor development, especially speech
delay; sitting without support at 7 months,
walk without support at 20 months.