About Pukas
Pookas - About the next relatives of the
                          ‘big white rabbit’ known from “Harvey” - Dr.
                          Thomas Liehr

Laggus inversus (Copy)

Pukas of this family (hangers) hang themselves to all possible and impossible parts of the human partner’s body. In general, they never leave their partner and their way of life is reminiscent of that of the sloths.

Copy usually hangs upside down on the partner. For conversations, from time to time he also turns his head up.
Again, the feet are greatly enlarged to encircle the partner at waist height. If the man takes too much weight or even off, and therefore hip circumference changes, L. inversus can adapt his foot length to this new extent by a yet unknown mechanism.
Interestingly, the ears are always stretched out, even if the Puka turns upwards.

Size: 0.7 m

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