ChromosOmics - Database

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      0. Liehr et al. unpublished data
  1. Röthlisberger B, Zerova T, Kotzot D, Buzhievskaya TI, Balmer D, Schinzel A.
    Supernumerary marker chromosome (1) of paternal origin and maternal uniparental disomy 1 in a developmentally delayed child.
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  17. Von Eggeling F, Hoppe C, Bartz U, Starke H, Houge G, Claussen U, Ernst G, Kotzot D, Liehr T.
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  28. Liehr T, Brude E, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, König R, Mrasek K, von Eggeling F, Starke H.
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  33. Bartels I, Schlueter G, Liehr T, Von Eggeling F, Starke H, Glaubitz R, Burfeind P.
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