Origin of
probes: Whole chromosome painting
probes can be derived from flow sorted chromosomes
[Speicher et al., 1996; for flow sorting see e.g. Gray
et al. 1990 or Carter, 1994] or by chromosome
microdissection [Senger et al., 1998; Thalhammer et al.,
Normally repetitive sequences have to be blocked in
the probe DNA by COT1-DNA. However, also an approach
was published [Bolzer et al., 1999] describing the
generation of probes depleted of repetitive sequences.
By that it is possible to refrain from expensive
blocking agent. Dugan et al. 2005 shows another way to
use less COT1 DNA.
Number of
fluorochromes: Five [Speicher et
al., 1996, Schröck et al., 1996, Senger et al., 1998,
Padilla-Nash et al., 2006], six [Tanke et al., 1998]
or seven [Azofeifa et al., 2000, Saracoglu et al.,
2001] different fluorescence dyes are used to achieve
the required 24 specific color combinations. The
principle of combinatorial labeling as described by
others before [Nederlof et al., 1990; Dauwerse et al.,
1992, Ried et al., 1992; Wiegant et al., 1992] is
analysis: As in any case at least
one of the used fluorochromes has its emission maximum
in the near-infrared spectrum, i.e. is invisible for
the human eye, a CCD-camera based image acquisition
and a computer based image analysis are required.
Automatization is only limited possible [Lee et al.,
acquisition can be done based on two different
principles: (i) split spectra are acquired via a set
of specific filter sets as suggested by Speicher and
coworkers (Multiplex-FISH = M-FISH [Speicher et al.,
1996]) or (ii) complete emission spectra are acquired
by an interferometer-based spectral imaging system as
recommended by Schröck and coworkers (spectral
karyotyping = SKY [Schröck et al., 1996]). A
comparison between both approaches has been done e.g.
by Rens et al. (2001). For the classification accuracy
of M-FISH see as well Castleman and coworkers (2000)
and Rooms et al. (2005), Wang and Castleman (2005) and
Wang (2008).
New approaches
for image analysing: Blind
Spectral Unmixing of M-FISH Images by Non-negative
Matrix Factorization [Munoz-Barrutia et al., 2007];
watershed based segmentation method for multispectral
chromosome images classification [Karvelis et al.,
2006, 2008 and 2009], Maximum-likelihood techniques
for joint segmentation-classification [Schwartzkopf et
al., 2005]; Wavelet-based compression of M-FISH images
[Hua et al., 2005]; Feature normalization via
expectation maximization and unsupervised
nonparametric classification [Choi et al., 2008];
Color compensation [Choi et al., 2009]; Modeling of
clonal expansion from M-FISH experiments [Stolte et
al., 2008]; Supervised parametric and non-parametric
classification [Sampat et al., 2005]
labeling is most frequently
applied for mFISH.
labeling: The required 24 color
combinations can also be achieved using the principle
of the combinatorial labeling plus the principle of
ratio-labeling [Dauwerse et al. 1992; Nederlof et al.,
1992; Morrison et al., 1997] which has been suggested
by Tanke and coworkers (COBRA-FISH: COmbined Binary
RAtio labelling-FISH [Tanke et al., 1999]). In that
approach only 4 fluorochromes are necessary to come to
24 color-combinations or pseudocolors and more than 96
could be easily obtained, according to the authors
[Tanke et al., 1999; Szuhai et al., 2000].
karyotyping: Another approach to
be mentioned in that connection is the recently
published mFISH technique named color-changing
karyotyping (CCK) [Henegariu et al., 1999]. Using CCK
up to 41 different targets can be discriminated by
three fluorochromes only. Similar is the approach of
Wu et al. (2006) coloring 2 times 12 chromosomes
sequentially or Yang et al., 2008.
Alternative to DAPI is presented by Christian et al.
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