ChromosOmics - Database
- Background |
"Causative trans-acting factors in imprinting disorders have the potential to globally dysregulate epigenetic processes, thus affecting multiple DMRs across the genome. This is called a multi-locus imprinting disturbance (MLID). MLID is detected in over 10 % of patients with imprinting disorders such as TNDM, BWS, and SRS, which are frequently caused by epigenetic errors. It is often observed only in a fraction of somatic cells. Similar to UPDs, the mosaic nature of MLID argues for an origin of the underlying defect early in development." (Cited from {1279}) In 12/39 cases with UPD in any of the imprinted chromosomes (30.8%), skewed X-chromosome inactivation was observed {1176}. In babies born after applying assisted reproductive techniques imprinting is 15x more frequent than in babies born after natural conception {879}; for BWS it was determined a 10 fold risk in ART - but no clear data on how many were due to UPD {1012}. In {1227} the theory of Denise Barlow from 1993 is again revisited, where he proposed that genomic imprinting might have arisen from a host defense mechanism designed to inactivate retrotransposons. Summary of all known imprinting disorders by 2016 see {987}. Summary of all potentially imprinted regions in human (on all chromosomes) see {1074}. A 'high-resolution map of genomic imprinting' was published in 2019 {1140}. For known imprinted genes see or |
Imprinting disorders | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagnostics for imprinting disorders is reviewed in 2020 in {1280} It turns out that imprinting disorders show overlapping phenotypes {1266}. Also, UPD(all)pat leads primarily to BWS like symptoms and UPD(all)mat leads to SRS-like phenotype. First step towards a consensus strategy for multi-locus diagnostic testing of imprinting disorders were published in 2022 {1385}. The following list of imprinting disorders is based on {1280; 1281} (abbreviations in Table below: alt = altered; DMR = differentially methylated region; Ex1 = exon 1; GOM = gain of methylation, hypermethylation; LOM = loss of methylation, hypomethylation; TSS = alternative transcription start site)
New potential regions underlying imprinting | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In {1373} potential yet undetected regions in the genome with uniparental gene expression are summarized. Neither the words 'epigenetics' nor 'UPD' are mentioned there, even though 'parent of origin-effects' are discussed. In {1401} genes potentially underlying imprinting during development human neuronal differentiation are described. |
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